Monday, January 13, 2014

Love Never Fails

Mama and Daddy on their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Today has been a month since my dad passed away. It doesn’t seem like it. Although, if I asked my mom, I’m sure it has been a long month. My mom and dad were married 50 years, 6 months and 12 days. A month without him has probably seemed so much longer than a mere 30 days.

As I have mentioned in other posts, my dad was very sick. ALS had taken away all of his physical capabilities and left only his mind to function. He was trapped inside his body, and after he could no longer communicate, he was trapped in his mind as well.  He suffered so much. When he died in his sleep and went to be with the Lord, his pain ended.

I saw true love in action the last year of his life. My mom was his primary care-giver and she saw to his every need. There at the end, all he could do was grunt to call her, but she would go to him and try everything she could to make him comfortable. At 71 years old, she bathed and dressed him. She fed him and got up all hours of the night to see about him. My brothers and sister and I tried to help as much as we could, but he wanted her. The last 2-3 months, he wanted her right there with him almost all the time. She even slept (what time she could) in the recliner close to him at night because he didn’t want to be left alone. He had to sleep in his wheel chair in the living room. It was the only way he was somewhat comfortable.

When young people marry, the words, “in sickness and in health, for better or worse” can often be just words to get through in order to kiss the bride and be pronounced husband and wife. We often don’t think about the difficult circumstances that may follow. Who would? A couple’s wedding day is about joy and happiness. No one wants to think about the bad stuff that may or may not happen. Unfortunately, it will. It is inevitable that we will have trouble in this life.

True love is sacrificial, like the love of Christ. It’s when the hard times come, that our love for each other is truly put to the test. My mom and dad have been there for each other through a lot of ups and downs over their 50 years of marriage. Though nothing has been as hard as the last 15 months. Their golden years didn’t turn out like they had hoped. My dad’s sickness changed everything, everything but their love. Even when my dad could no longer speak words that were understandable, he could tell my mom, “I love you.” And my mom rolled up her sleeves and took care of him right to the end. That is true love.

One day they will see each other again. She lives with that hope. He died, but their love didn’t. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.                 (1 Corinthians 13:7)

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